What is the Adult and Community Education Sector?
Adult and Community Education sits within the post-secondary education system, alongside TAFE and Training and Higher Education. ACE builds the skills, knowledge and abilities of Victorian individuals and communities by providing:
informal learning opportunities alongside formal learning
pathways to further education, training and employment
welcoming and inclusive learning environments
flexible, innovative and learner-focused programs that meet local community and industry needs

interpersonal connections to build better and stronger communities
awareness of diversity and promotion of connected communities
essential literacy, numeracy, digital and employability skills training
personalised attention so that learners feel valued, build confidence and develop pathways into further education, training, employment and volunteering.
Learn Local
Victorian Learn Local providers offer affordable education and training programs that meet the learning needs of adults. They are funded via the Adult and Community Further Education Board and deliver learner-centred training programs that meet the needs of learners, communities and industry.